Monday, March 31, 2014

What It Means To Be A Christian

What It Means to be a Christian (ten easy steps.... okay maybe more) 

I have been reading three books, Crazy Love, which I agree with for the most part, The Gospel According to Jesus,  which I can agree with in no way, and Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, which I like immensely.  These three books have caused me to think about what it means to be a Christian. I mean what are the basics of being a Christian and why should we do them and basically why and what?

I believe a lot of Christians now a days should just be called believers and not Christians, because Christian means little Christ. How can we call ourselves little Christs if we hardly know our Bible or spend little time in prayer. Oh yeah, there are some ‘good’ Christians on the outside but on the inside? This is why I want to write this. I will outline the major point of Christianity that people tend to skip over not realizing they are the most important. Bear with me as we crash into Christianity. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

History of Weapons

History of Modern Warfare
Have you ever wondered how we got from the sword to the modern jet? Well here I will describe(slowly) the history of modern weapons back to the middle ages such as the various types of swords throughout history to the modern machine. I will guard you step by step, or rather weapon by weapon.
First of course, we must start with the sword and progress quickly about its developments till the medieval swords where I will slow down. The sword was the most basic weapon throughout history. The first weapons were plain daggers until the art of making swords stronger was discovered. Then came the bronze age in which weapons were made of bronze. This made swords a bit longer but still they were harder to make than the modern sword and less durable. After this development, iron came into use making swords much easier to produce although slightly less effective than a good bronze.

Eventually iron dominated the field of battle, and steel came into use found first by the Asian countries. Few long swords were in use at this time although there are some example of long swords before steel became prevalent. This leads right up to the medieval sword and here I will stop. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Yes, the thing which everyone has a different view on. A lot of people don’t even have a definite view on it, and I don’t either. This is a touchy issue with most people especially teens. Heart breaking often is just about the norm in a teen’s life.
Now a lot of people are starting young with relationships. I know someone who had her first boyfriend when she was seven. This is dangerous, I believe. Relationships are getting too common and binding like they should be. Some 5 year old already have a ‘bf/gf’.  The heart is a tricky thing. The more it gets broken, the less it can give winding up into broken marriages.
Another thing is that the younger you start or are, the easy for the relationship to either send you into pre-martial sex etc. Without the experience of a life and good principles, it is easy and with a constant string of relationships and shows of affection, it is even easier.  I am a teenager so I know the pressure of the world that you HAVE to have a relationship. But in the words of Mr. Smith, my Bible teacher, “That is a lie straight from Hell.”
And finally, we should never get with someone who is not a Christian. Missionary dating does not work. It is dangerous because eventually, if we fall in love with the person, we will rationalize marrying them.

Keep in mind you standard and never, no never compromise. 
PS Sorry about the delay in posting. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Life in the Third

Life in the third, no wait, first, oh never mind…
Well life is busy. We have a visiting pastor and another two people coming. This means we have been cooking and cleaning a lot. My feet are generally sore most of the day.
Other than this, it has been insanely hot, and the electricity went off all of yesterday afternoon till around 9 in the morning. Ugh oh, and again today.
At friend’s house we played Life and Settlers of Catan which are two great games. I still have no idea why Word does not count Catan as a real world. Oh well.
School seven days a week is killing me. Oh the life.
We finally got our electrical fence up which makes our house look like a prison. It keeps shocking me when I open up the gate. Safety comes at a price. Although, our garage door doesn’t work well and as we were driving our car into the garage, it stalled on the upward slope. One of our staff, the my dad, my brother, the pastor, two random guys, and I was what it took to push that car up.
I am reading Le Miserables, and I wonder why can’t the French stay on topic. Same thing in the Three Musketeers.

Well Adieu