Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Bow and Solomon

The Bow
The bow is the first actual ranged weapon mankind came up with. You could count throwing spear, but let’s stick to bows. Bows were some of the earliest weapons and formed a major part of warfare even earlier than swords. Simple to make and use against large formations, bows became one of the most important part of warfare.

All major armies used it and or the crossbow which is counted under the bow. The bow was utilized mostly on chariots, later on horseback, and usually in unit support. It discouraged large marching units(until the phalanxes). After this towards the medieval area the bow began to die until it was overshadowed by the musket. 

Of Solomom
Proverbs 1:24-33
The rest of this chapter is Wisdom’s speech on how even she has a limit on grace. When destruction comes on a fool, she will sit and not respond. There comes a time when it is too late, the plummet has begun, but she also promised to protect those who listen to her. A vivid difference between the fool and the wise man, don’t you think?

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