Sunday, February 9, 2014

The dreaded word

Sin, I believe is underestimated and misunderstood. In my honest opinion I believe all sin is equal in God’s eyes as in that a lie is as murder. We apply that reasoning to ‘white lies’ and ‘big lies’ but why not to lies vs. murder? You remember what Samuel told Saul when he disobeyed? He said disobedience was as bad as witchcraft which was punishable by death. Take Ananias and Sapphira, a ‘simple’ lie got them dead. The prophet that went to Jeroboam was lied to and yet he was killed for disobeying what God said for him to do which was not eat or drink on his way back home.
God takes sin very seriously. Only by his longsuffering and mercy we are still alive today. A lot of people I know say God doesn’t kill people over sin, but the wages of SIN is death. The only reason people die is because of sin, so basically, God kills people. Sounds kinda harsh, but this world isn’t even our own or this body the perfect body, and this is another reason why I believe God won’t remove our salvation no matter how many sin they do. One sin is enough to warrant death so it would have to be all or nothing.

Oh and get this. Going against your conscience is sinning. It is God’s law in your heart. Romans 2:12-16.

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